Protect our groundwater.

Support science-driven solutions.

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taking action
The Lower Umatilla Basin Groundwater Management Area, or LUBGWMA, consists of the northern portions of Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Since the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality established the LUBGWMA in 1990, both the private and public sectors have worked to address the nitrates in the groundwater, but more still needs to be done. Our business coalition is doing our part to support community efforts to give all residents access to clean water. We believe collaborative, science-based solutions are the only way to resolve these issues now and in the long term.
Click the map to enlarge it and see if you live in the management area.
Drinking Water 101​
Water for Eastern Oregon (H2OEO) is committed to ensuring that all residents of our region have access to a safe, reliable source of drinking water. We do this by educating residents about their water sources, providing resources to meet immediate needs, and working collaboratively to find responsible long-term solutions.
Click to learn more about how where your water comes from or some of the key health risks to watch out for.
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